Thursday, August 23, 2018

How To Keep Your Car Engine In Tip-Top Shape

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The engine is the heart of the car. It’s what keeps the car going. It’s connected to a lot of other essential parts of the vehicle. Just like people, if the heart isn’t well-maintained, bad things can happen. And when they do, it may take a lot of money to have the engine fixed.

Here are some helpful tips to make sure your car engine stays healthy.

1. Change your oil regularly.

Every time you use your car, the oil goes through several processes, and its level goes lower. Extremely high temperatures cause the oil to lose its lubrication properties. Car owners who ignore oil changes run the risk of having their oil turn to sludge.

2. Replenish oil supplies.

Whereas oil change keeps the oil from turning into sludge, a healthy supply of oil in the engine can keep things lubricated and avoid friction that can lead to immediate wear and tear. Too much friction in the engine parts can cause a complete breakdown and subsequently, expensive repairs.

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3. Have your engine checked frequently.

It’s not enough to have your oil clean and abundant. Engine checks by professionals are also very important. Through routine checks, mechanics and specialists can tell you if there are parts that need replacing.

I’m Alpman Ilker. I’m a general contractor and a car enthusiast from Denver, CO. I’m on my way to fully restoring my ’67 Ford Falcon. Learn more about my interests by checking out this blog.

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