Saturday, July 14, 2018

What To Consider Before Getting a Golden Retriever

Are you thinking of raising a golden retriever?  If so, there are plenty of things to consider because taking care of this dog breed is a responsibility as it is a privilege.  Examples of what you should know about golden retrieves are listed below:
  • They require companionship.  They are, literally, social animals and cannot be left without human touch for more than five hours in a day.  If they are alone for too long, they can develop separation anxiety, and in rare cases, destructive behavior.  
  • They need exercise.  Golden retrievers have boundless energy, and if they are not allowed to exercise, such as running, fetching, hiking, or swimming, they release the pent-up energy through bad behaviors or bad habits.  These dogs also love food, thus, in addition to exercise, they also need to be trained in self-control.
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  • They shed massive amounts of hair, particularly during spring and autumn.  A schedule should be set aside for cleaning of fur. Otherwise, it would build upon the carpet and furniture.  Fur loss can be minimized by brushing the golden retriever three to five times a week for more than 15 minutes each instance.  Bathing also helps.
  • They are likely to mess around inside and outside the house.  Because of their playful nature and unawareness of how big and heavy they are, golden retrievers are prone to knocking down furniture, chewing on things they are not supposed to, and ruining the garden.
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Raising a golden retriever may be a handful, but our pet, Doug, sure is a bundle of joy. He has also helped instill responsibility and compassion in our children. If you want to read more about keeping the dog breed as a pet, follow me, Alpman Ilker, on Facebook.